of work


It doesn’t always turn out to be so simple and immediate, but creating a healthy and qualitatively positive working environment, nowadays, becomes a priority of many companies.

The quality of work within the company environment is a motivation and a boost to personal and professional improvement but also a factor of well-being of all employees.

We spend most of our day at work and according to different studies many people do not carry out the activity they would like or for which they have pursued training or a qualification. This evaluation is one of the main reasons that leads the quality of the work environment to be, currently, a very important motivational characteristic.

Waking up in the morning happy to go to work greatly changes the approach to professional and personal life.

More and more companies are looking at the well-being of their employees while paying attention to their needs.

Several studies by the International Labour Organization have identified the expression “the quality of life in the workplace” as the level of satisfaction related to the activity carried out and the business environment; working in a qualitatively organized environment promotes a sense of security, personal and professional development among employees.

These studies show that aspects of the quality of work are classified in the physical and social environment, working hours, skills development, wages and the perspective of working life.

Creating a healthy and stimulating environment addressed to the needs of employees, combined with organization, leisure, positivity, awareness and belonging are all characteristics that improve the quality of a company’s work and lead people to minimize stress and achieve better performance.

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